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Example Reports
Example Reports
Sample reports provided to give an overview for the information provided in an OAG report


The assessment requires the completed questionnaire and data for calculating the financial benefits

Executive Report
Header page
This is the header page for a company report. It shows the company name and company logo. It also shows the details of who prepared the report.
Overall Assessment Results
This page displays the results of the assessment as a single page overview.
This page displays all tangible financial benefits for improvement.
Detailed Report
Overall Assessment Results
This page displays the results of the assessment as a single page overview.
This page displays all tangible financial benefits for improvement.
Component pages
The component pages show a breakdown of aspirational target and current score for each sub-component. Component pages also show a breakdown of actions required to reach the aspirational target from the current score.
Report Guidelines
The report guidelines show a breakdown of how to use the report and how to get the most out of the information shown on the report.