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Continuous Improvement (CI) Component Guide
Continuous Improvement (CI) Component Guide
Creating an environment which
measures and improves performance
CI is a proven strategy for the ongoing enhancement of products, services and processes through incremental and breakthrough improvements. It is a philosophy supported by established tools and techniques that help you identify areas for improvement and monitor the impact of any actions taken. By applying CI techniques, you remain competitive not complacent.
Benefits Calculator
CI philosophy applied throughout the organisation will significantly improve both operational and financial performance. Our default percentage of 6% for CI is based on our experience and taking into consideration the following:
  • Greater employee engagement, participation, contribution and ideas.
  • Improved ‘right first time’ quality.
  • Improved productivity, working environment, safety and ergonomics.
  • Shorter lead-times.
  • Higher stock turns.
  • Reduced transport costs.
Continuous Improvement (CI) Sub-Components
To improve your CI process, our assessment enables the senior management team to set aspirational goals and determine the current status of the process. The CI component contains 6 sub-components which, when examined in detail, reveal the current condition of CI within the business and the benefits of achieving your aspirational goals. The Customer Focus component of the assessment helps you achieve performance through best practice. The result is a detailed action plan which will improve all aspects of CI in the business. Here are the 6 sub-components of CI:
1. CI Deployment
How CI is implemented and utilised throughout the business.
CI is effective when established as a key business strategy, championed by the leadership team and deployed throughout the organisation. The deployment plan aims to create a sustainable CI culture through communication, education, application and measurement. The rate of deployment is governed by; leadership, priorities, knowledge, experience, confidence and buy-in.
2. Improvement Culture
How comprehensively is CI utilised throughout the organisation.
Company culture defines the environment in which employees work. It is an evolving set of collective beliefs, values and attitudes which influence human behaviour and performance. A CI culture involves everyone in the organisation and forms part of their job role. Employees are encouraged to contribute and take a part in continuous improvement activities. CI forms part of a new employees’ induction.
3. Improvement and Benefits
How the organisation identifies improvement opportunities and quantifies benefits.
The success of any improvement activity requires that people understand the reason for intervention, its goals and the anticipated benefits. The process whereby an improvement opportunity is identified also checks feasibility, investment and benefit potential before intervention. The company improvement plan includes milestone achievement and budgeted benefit realisation.
4. Data Management
How data is collected, stored, retrieved and analysed.
CI is a data driven strategy requiring a process for collecting, analysing, storing and retrieving data. Key performance indicators draw from data and show the impact that improvement activities are having on the business.
5. Performance Monitoring
How performance standards are set and monitored.
To align the performance of each department to the objectives and aspirations of the business, standards are set that measure and demonstrate how effectively each department is contributing. Performance standards for key processes are aligned to departmental objectives and this cascade links daily activity to business performance. CI performance is usually displayed in local information centres as part of a visual management.
6. Trained People
How the organisation develops enough CI capability to deliver and sustain improvements.
Having enough CI practitioners to lead and guide improvement identification and solution implementation is fundamental to a continuous improvement strategy. Increasing the awareness and knowledge of employees makes CI more effective as more engage in problem solving. It creates a common language through understanding the methodologies used in the CI process and also reduces any resistance to change. Ensuring there is enough resource within the organisation is key to delivering the improvement objectives.